

The Power of Baking Soda! How to: Glass stove top clean

I have a black glass stove top. When we bought our house that is what it came with and I was actually really excited to use it because I had never had one before. After a couple of uses I realized I may not be a big fan. Over time I've learned how to *quickly* catch my spills {I'm not the best at paying attention to anything that is boiling on the stove}, but over time it just got worse and worse. Once my stove top got so bad with spills an burns, I tried everything to clean it, but nothing seemed to work. Then I read a pin on pinterest about baking soda, vinegar, hot water, potatoes, and a bunch of other random stuff. I only tried the baking soda and hot water and it worked pretty well!

Here is what I did:

1. Get a big bowl of hot, hot water full. Then put a big wash cloth {one or two, just big enough to cover your entire stove} in the water so it is soaking in the water.

2. Before putting baking soda on, wipe off with a paper towel anything you can from the stove top. Then cover it with baking powder.

3. Next ring out the towels, just a bit so they are not extremely dripping wet, but still pretty wet. Lay them on top of the baking soda.

4. Let them sit for about 15 mins. You can even do this process twice after wiping down once.

5. Wipe it down with the washcloths and scrub in circles hard around the whole stove top.

If you need more cleaning {I hope you don't :)} then pour more baking soda on the stove top and let the towels soak up some water and then sit on the baking soda again for another 10-15 mins.

The next thing I used baking soda for was my kitchen sinks!! One day I made a blueberry smoothie for the kids and my daughter had a little bit left so I dumped it out in the sink. In a rush I didn't get time to wash all of it down. So when I came back home I noticed little blue spots all around the sides of my WHITE sinks. I was so nervous that it wasn't going to come off. I tried scrubbing it and spraying 409 on it, but it didn't work.

Then I remembered my stove top trick and so I whipped out my baking soda! I got a heavy duty rough scrubbing sponge {you know those ones that have a rough side, use the rough side!}

 I let the baking soda sit for a bit and then scrubbed away. It took all {and more} of it off! I was one happy mom and later that night I showed my husband the sparkling white sinks. I was quite proud of my self. :)

So, if your sinks or stove top ever need a good scrub, don't be afraid to throw a little baking soda on there!

Happy cleaning.

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