
Organization.. All About Kids!

I have 5 kids and a lot of organizing and creative thinking that occurs so I can stay sane with all of the toys, books, and random trinkets they collect from who knows where.

One of my major tasks I took on this past year was LEGO organization. I always saw the beautifully organized legos on pinterest, but never quite knew how much effort and time that task would take. Here's how I ended up organizing my boys' legos:

(About 100 of 5,000 legos pieces here to sort through.. this was only one bukcet!)

Sort by colors:
Keep each color in a separate drawer (you can buy plastic drawers at target for cheap) and label it with the color on the outside of the drawer.

Keep big lego builds together:
I know how much time it can take to finish a lego masterpiece (I've spent my fair share of time completing lego pamphlets with my son). The thought of destroying it and taking it all apart just makes me cringe😫 So..

If it can fit in a small plastic bin (also from target) put it in there and label what build it was.
If it doesn't fit, dedicate a shelf, top of a dresser, or bookshelf just for displaying these larger builds.

Instruction manuals:

We keep all of our instruction manuals in a big 3 ring binder with plastic sheet protectors.

And last, other things we store into sterlite bins with different compartments in them: people, accessories, wheels, small parts.

Next up: Hair Bow organization

Let's switch gears and talk about daughters.. I only have one daughter, and she has A LOT of bows (that's what happens when you only have 1 girl and 4 boys.. they get everything and a lot of it!) I had the bows on one of those tiny little frame holders. And then I had a few in a basket.. and a few in a plastic ziploc. They were just all over the place and that needed to change!

The best way I found to do it is to organize them into one of those clear plastic pocket holders for shoes... or now hairbows! Now all of my bows are in one place and I can easily see them and sort them by color. You can also keep other things like: chapstick, hand sanitizer, and jewelry in there too!

Last area of organization that I love is our books. We LOVE books and I find myself buying them frequently. I mean, there's no such thing as too many books right?
Well I don't want our bookshleves looking like they're overstuffed and about to fall apart either. What I do is use those library bags, or drawstring bags (I swear we get so many of these free from so many random events!) and I keep them and bag up books and keep them in my kids' closets. I only keep on the shelf what it can handle and make sure it looks clean and tidy. Then every once in a while I'll rotate a few books out. Then my kids are seeing new and exciting books and it's always being changed up-- especially for holidays and book relating to specific holidays! You can also store them in a bin (we have a huge bin under my son's bed... like I said.. we have a TON of books.. I'm a bit obsessed) and that can hold a lot more too.

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