About Dana

Hi, my name is Dana. I'm a stay at home mom to a beautiful three year old girl and a little one year old boy. They are seriously my pride and joy. Every day with out fail they make me laugh and smile. I'm also a wife to a wonderful, loving, husband. He is a dental student and will be graduating in May. I'm excited to call him Dr. Jensen and to be a dentist's wife. Dental life sounds just.about.perfect. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that in the near future my hubby can give me the perfect smile! :D

I'm starting this blog in hopes that it will inspire many of you. I see so many great ideas and I want to share them with everyone. Some are random, some are on motherhood, some are for men {probably few, but I do live with my man and think of him often, so I may slip something for men in there every now and then ;)}, kids, life, beauty, fashion, baking. Whatever comes to my mind. Enjoy.

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