Do you love the snow? I do. It snowed today and we love it! But we can't be outside all day, so I'm sharing a few of our favorite indoor snowy day activities from today. Like catching these beautiful snowflakes😍❄ Have you ever really stopped and looked at a snowflake up close!? They are incredible and no snowflake is the same.. so amazing!
1. Catching snowflakes: Take a piece of construction paper outside and hold it flat to catch some snowflakes! Don't look at the big clusters, try to find the teeny tiny ones that pop out beside them.
Can you spot the snowflakes?
2. Ice fishing: Dip a string in ice water. Pour salt on top of it and wait a minute and then you'll be able to catch your ice! See if your kids can catch the ice first without salt to show them the difference the salt makes.
3. Don't crack the ice: Pour salt over some ice cubes and watch it crack as you pour a couple drops of food coloring over them. Mix colors to create different colors.
4. Snowball houses: Build snowball houses out of toothpicks and marshmallows!
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